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Photography has been a passion of mine since 2016. My portrait photography has allowed me to experiment with color relationships and composition.

Woman in pink outfit
Woman in grassy field
Woman in front of diner
Man sitting on stairway
Woman in forest
pair of business cards
woman on magazine cover
man dancing in front of graffiti background
Woman with flowers in hair
Woman in sunflower field
Woman sitting on porch
woman looking up at sun

During my tenure at McCabe's Printing Group, I progressively assumed greater responsibilities within the organization. My enthusiasm and proficiency in photography opened doors to new opportunities. In 2023, I advanced to the position of product photographer within the company. Upon receiving the promotion, I was given the responsibility of managing the entire photography process, from capturing and editing to producing my team's creative works. I continued to fulfill my role as a product designer alongside this new responsibility.

Green Tea Packs
Green Tea Packs
Green Tea Packs
Green Tea Packs
Green Tea Packs
Green Tea Packs